Miami Living Magazine

Emily Procter

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Benefits are immediate and the inch loss is real. Address the real causes of cellulite in a holistic way. Warm, Luxurious, Pampering & Comfortable Not water loss, skin stays hydrated. Inch loss is permanent. Call Now for More Information NMBHEALTHCARE.COM 305.949.5999 Myth 1: . - FALSE! Cellulite is a sign of a toxic body, caused by uneven deposits in the connective tissue of the skin, edema, and lack of circulation. Myth 2: I ยท -FALSE! Even skinny people have problems with cellulite. There are two types of cellulite: soft cellulite characterized by the "cottage cheese" like appearance, and hard cellulite that mostly affects individuals in good physical condition. Often times, hard cellulite is the most difficult to eradicate. Myth 3: I . I I -FALSE! Since cellulite is not a fat condition but rather a buildup of toxins, cellulite is not affected by weight loss or exercise programs. The only way to eliminate cellulite is by detoxifying the body and increasing circulation to the affected areas.

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