Miami Living Magazine

Miami Swim Week - Megan Mae Stevens

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Lauren: It has taught me a lot about teamwork, perseverance, the importance of practicing and working hard, and handling myself under pressure. On a set, much like on Team Canada, it is not just you and your character, or likewise only your role in the ski show that pulls the project together, rather it is the cohesiveness of the cast and crew on set or all the skiers in Team Canada that makes something successful. Furthermore, in water skiing, athletes fall and make mistakes, but the show always goes on. In acting, you cannot let one rejection make you want to quit, rather it should fuel you to get the next role! Likewise, on “The Amazing Race Canada”, my mental and physical abilities were completely put to the test. However, my ability to be able to handle myself under pressure—a skill garnered from both acting and professional water skiing really helped me to complete each and every task efficiently and effectively. Miami Living: Competing on “The Amazing Race Canada” must be incredibly demanding. What has been the most surprising or challenging aspect of the race so far? Nicole: I am always up for a challenge but competing on “The Amazing Race Canada” has truly been like no other experience. Although it has been incredible, it is extremely demanding physically, mentally, and emotionally. I think the most challenging aspect has been trying to not put too much pressure on myself. My sister and I hold ourselves to the highest standards and want to always do our very best so the pressure and keeping that in check can definitely be a lot. Lauren: The non-stop “go, go, go” nature of the race was probably one of the most challenging aspects of it. This race, although televised, is no joke and thus Nicole and I were giving it our all for hours on hours every single day. Furthermore, the level of competitiveness on our season especially has been like no other! Miami Living: Can you share a favorite or particularly memorable moment from your time on “The Amazing Race Canada”? Nicole: I think my favourite moment from my time on the race would just be proving people wrong. Lauren and I are quite friendly, have our little pink jackets on, and always have a big smile on our faces—however, we are fierce competitors. Placing at the top of every single episode so far and for lack of better words “kicking butt” has definitely been fun! Lauren: There have been so many memorable moments on “The Amazing Race Canada”—and even more to come! However, thus far I’d have to say our detour in Episode 1; Nicole and I gained an enormous lead by memorizing pages of lines in one attempt which took many teams hours and countless attempts. Furthermore, rappelling down the side of Niagara Falls and off-roading in pickup trucks definitely felt pretty badass!! Miami Living: How has your sisterly bond and teamwork been tested or strengthened through the challenges of the race? Nicole: My twin sister and I have always been very close and know what each other is thinking without even having to communicate it, so we always knew our teamwork abilities were strong. However, competing in the race definitely strengthened our bond and teamwork even more. Though we knew we had what it took, trusting each other to the max and watching each other pull off intense challenges was an amazing experience.

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