Miami Living Magazine

Miami Swim Week - Megan Mae Stevens

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Nicole: Though we love many different genres, there is something about a thriller like this that keeps you on your toes. “A Simple Favor” was a thriller as well so I definitely have had some experience in this genre. Nina and Victoria from “Twin Lies” are dynamic, complex, spicy, and just all-around lovable characters. One of the most challenging aspects actually began at the audition stage. Though we auditioned for both twins, trying to figure out which one of us resonated with which one more was difficult. When it came to being on set and when I was cast as Nina, a lot rested on me portraying her. She is in nearly every scene of the movie and making sure I brought all of her layers to life was a challenge but definitely a fun one at that! Lauren: I absolutely love delving into drama and suspense and this film let me do just that. Its storyline is quite unique, and it is such a fun watch with lots of twists and turns! Nicole and I are so fortunate to be the leads alongside each other in this film. We differentiated these twins and gave them their own personalities and stories while maintaining that unique twin bond. Miami Living: How did your experiences in “Unfrosted: The Pop-Tart Story” and “A Simple Favor” prepare you for your lead roles in “Twin Lies”? Nicole: Working alongside and learning on set first-hand from household names instilled in me both the confidence and experience needed to be a lead. Lauren: Playing the iconic “Doublemint Twins” in Jerry Seinfeld’s recent directorial debut “Unfrosted: The Pop-Tart Story” and Hope and Faith McLanden (Young Blake Lively) in Paul Feig’s “A Simple Favor” very much so prepared me for my lead role in “Twin Lies”. I have been so fortunate to work with and learn from A-list casts and crews on these projects. Miami Living: Working alongside industry giants like Jerry Seinfeld, Melissa McCarthy, and Blake Lively must have been incredible. Can you share any memorable moments or lessons from those experiences? Nicole: Booking any type of a role is a huge feat and being able to book them with such celebrities is unreal. Listening to Jerry Seinfeld’s jokes and being directed by him, having my cast chair right next to Melissa McCarthy and simply talking and joking about how Lauren and I would switch places in school, to getting the best hugs from Blake Lively when we would see her on set or at the premiere—these are memories I will remember forever and they are three of many role models I’ve been fortunate enough to work with and look up to. Lauren: Working alongside industry giants and star-studded casts and crews quite early on in my career has been exceptionally memorable and influential for me. Having the honour of being selected to play the younger version of Blake Lively’s character gave me the confidence to do quite literally anything! Watching these actors act first-hand was special and I learned a lot being directed by Paul Feig and Jerry Seinfeld. Miami Living: Being twins means you share many experiences. Can you share special moments from your upbringing, including your professional lives, where being twins gave you a unique advantage? Nicole: Though we are determined and hardworking on our own, being twins is definitely a superpower. Being twins has allowed us to work together in school, sports, and acting. A few fun examples include scoring the exact same score on our LSAT, running cross country together growing up with our strides exactly in sync, and

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