Miami Living Magazine

Miami Swim Week - Megan Mae Stevens

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with where they are at. Now I found through social media that is still the most important thing to me in everything that I share. I love to practice yoga still and plan to get back into teaching sooner rather than later. With everything going on in life, I am waiting for the pocket to get back into teaching. But I do believe I owe everything about who I am today to yoga. Miami Living: As a yoga instructor, podcast host, author, animal rescue volunteer, charity fundraiser, social media influencer, and young creative, what do you envision for your future? Lexi Hidalgo: Thinking about the future is very daunting to me. It’s been beautiful to watch so many of my dreams and goals come true, but it’s almost equally as intimidating, because this means it’s time to create more. I hope to continue to add light to the world in my future. Sometimes I think I want to film a documentary and sometimes I think I want to be an elementary school teacher. My mind is always changing, but I believe that the goals I stick with the deepest are the ones that God has put in place for me. For now my goal is to continue spreading a good message through The Moments Podcast and continue to share all the lessons that life teaches me. But maybe one day I’ll give a TED talk too. Only time will tell! Miami Living: How do you balance your time between your various roles and responsibilities, and what strategies do you use to stay organized and focused? Lexi Hidalgo: I wish I could give better advice than I can here. But as a chronically ADHD gal, I wish I knew how to balance my time and stay organized and focused. I usually let my passions lead me, this is helpful. But for the most part I can confidently say this is my biggest weakness. But that being said it is because of my ADHD that I can be a creative, therefore it is my greatest strength. Miami Living: What challenges have you faced as a content creator and influencer, and how have you overcome them? Lexi Hidalgo: I think my biggest struggle as a content creator is continually having to relearn how to stay unaffected by other people’s opinions of you. The online world is a dark place, people will comment on things about you down to the tiniest details. Your deepest insecurities will be brought to light almost weekly in your direct messages. At times it gets hard to be unaffected by these things. But I notice the second I start changing to please one person on the Internet, you upset somebody else. And with that reminder, I quickly snap back into the mindset that I’m never going to be able to please everybody. But I can live my life with good intentions, and the truth is that the best that all of us can do. So let people say what they need to say, oftentimes they are the ones that need to change more than you are. Miami Living: What advice would you give to aspiring content creators who want to make a positive impact in their communities? Lexi Hidalgo: The advice I would give to anybody who is looking to create content and make a positive impact is to lead by example. I noticed that when I am trying to give advice that I myself am not taking it is much harder to create that content and share that message. It is when I am acting in that fullest version of myself that making that positive impact comes more naturally. I encourage you to continue being yourself. It is so important to be yourself in a world that wants us to become the same. I think a common misconception is the idea that social media is oversaturated. I believe that social media is oversaturated with those trying to be one another, but if you be you, there is always room. So never give up and go post that video. You can listen to Lexi’s “The Moments Podcast” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. “The Moments Journal” is available online or at Barnes & Noble. Follow Lexi on Instagram and TikTok.

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