Miami Living Magazine

Sydney Sweeney

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One such technological advancement is the MAPS machine. Proprietary MAPS technology (Mobility, Activation, Posture, and Symmetry) identifies movement inefficiencies across these four critical categories as users perform three body-weight squats. A MAPS score is generated in less than 30 seconds using 3D technology, providing a total body movement assessment. Results are delivered on-screen and via email, creating a “roadmap” with which StretchLab Flexologists can guide their clients’ progress. This combination of personal touch and technology creates a customized, goal-driven movement plan, allowing clients to see measurable improvements in their flexibility. Founded in 2015, StretchLab is the largest assisted stretching brand, created to help people through customized flexibility services. It offers one-on-one assisted stretching sessions to clients of all ages and fitness levels. StretchLab’s advanced Flexologists undergo extensive training both in the classroom and on the job, ensuring that clients receive top-tier care. The benefits of stretching are numerous and well-documented. Regular stretching helps decrease pain, lowers the risk of injury, and enhances overall performance in daily activities. Whether you are an athlete looking to improve your performance or someone seeking relief from the aches and pains of everyday life, stretching can be transformative. At StretchLab, clients experience a deeper stretch than they can achieve on their own, empowering them to move with more freedom and perform better throughout the day. The environment at StretchLab is vibrant and energetic, offering a unique

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