Miami Living Magazine

Sydney Sweeney

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LAKE COMO Lake Como shimmers with its turquoise waters, exuding a romantic atmosphere surrounded by 19th-century villas and fairytale-like vistas. It is under an hour’s train ride from Milan. This enchanting destination has served as an important retreat for historical figures including a roster of A-list celebrities. A haven of tranquility and inspiration, Como drew notable figures throughout its history. From the time of the Roman Empire, when poets like Virgil lived, to the Renaissance, where Leonardo da Vinci found inspiration, to the 18th and 19th centuries, when writers like Goethe, Stendhal, and Manzoni created their masterpieces along its shores. Even Alessandro Volta, born in Como, left his mark with the invention of the battery, immortalizing the lake’s significance. It also serves as a haven for celebrities, including Richard Branson, Madonna, soccer legend Ronaldinho, George Clooney, and Donatella Versace.

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