Miami Living Magazine

Sydney Sweeney

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RICH HERITAGE Notable landmarks include the Grossmünster with its climbable Karlsturm for panoramic city views, and the Fraumünster church featuring famous windows by Chagall and Giacometti. For those who enjoy high vantage points, the Uetliberg mountain offers spectacular views of the city, lake, and Alps after a short train ride and a brief walk. Other sites worth visiting include the Bahnhofstrasse shopping street, the serene Lake Zurich with views extending to the Swiss Alps, and the historic Zurich Opera House. The Lindenhof park, known since 80 BC, provides a perfect spot for selfies and a glimpse into Zurich’s origins. The charming Niederdorf quarter, part of Zurich’s Old Town, enchants with its narrow alleyways and picturesque courtyards. Cultural enthusiasts should visit the National Museum Zurich, housing Switzerland’s largest collection of cultural history and the Rietberg Museum, Switzerland’s largest museum of non-European cultures.

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