Miami Living Magazine

Sydney Sweeney

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In this edition of Miami Living, we embark on a journey to Italy’s Northern region, Lombardy, and then journey across Switzerland’s highlands. The intertwined history, natural beauty, and cultural ties between Italy and Switzerland have piqued our interest for this travel story, marked by centuries of territorial exchanges and linguistic overlap. Notably, both nations share three common languages and witness a significant migration flow. For instance, about 48,000 Swiss residents live in Italy, while Italian citizens comprise the largest group of foreigners living in Switzerland. Our exploration begins in Milan, the industrial epicenter of Italy renowned for fashion, design, finance, and media. Venturing further North, we find ourselves in the natural wonders of Como, celebrated for its stunning picturesque landscapes and rich history. As we move into Switzerland, we’ll enchant you with the ‘lake cities’ of Lugano and Lucerne, before heading to Zurich, the country’s financial hub, and concluding our journey in Geneva, the global center for diplomacy. Image by Ricardo Gomez, Unsplash

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