Miami Living Magazine

Sydney Sweeney

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A Symphony Of Art And Science Founded in 2017 by artists and divers Angeline Chen and Kyle Block, Global Coralition is dedicated to coral reef preservation. Their projects include mangrove restoration, advanced coral farming, underwater art sculptures, eco-tourism, and blue carbon financing for long-term conservation. One of their core initiatives is creating and deploying underwater sculptures, which are seeded using coral fragmentation to propagate more heat-resistant coral, transforming art into a living, evolving monument to humanity’s reverence for the ocean and all it brings. In 2023, they deployed the tallest underwater sculpture in the world - standing at 16 feet tall - off the coast of Dominican Republic. The Visionary Behind “Reef Revival” As Creative Director of Global Coralition, Love draws inspiration for Reef Revival from her breathtaking diving experience at the Cancun Underwater Museum (MUSA), where she did a photographing series and installation entitled ‘Breath.’ She has since teamed up with GC to curate artists from across the globe to awaken senses with a wild array of installations and celebration of all that is possible. Love’s work is currently on display in the “Summer of Love’’ showcase at Andy Warhol’s historical home along side Keith Haring and Basquiat until June 20th (private tours available), at Emillions Art in Naples, FL, and virtually on apparel and decor at Layla Love Collection. She often explores themes of interconnectedness and the beauty of nature, embracing her commitment to using art as a tool for social change in every project she undertakes. A Global Journey During its projected 2025 ten city global tour, Reef Revival will bridge the gap between art and science with its interactive displays, holistic learning, educational workshops and immersive sensory experiences that will metamorphose with each location’s unique communities and roles in reef restoration. Participate With Purpose This endeavour to save the world’s coral extends a bold invitation to artists, entrepreneurs, and organizations to join forces with GC and Reef Revival. As the exhibition traverses the globe, it will leave a trail of inspired individuals and empowered communities, turning the tide for coral reefs and ensuring their survival for future generations. A Call To Action Global Coraltion invites you to join the mission to become Reef Guardians. Whether through collaboration, participation in cultural events, or simply spreading the word, there are many ways to get involved. Conclusion Love’s Reef Revival aims to highlight the critical importance of coral reefs, not only to marine life but also to our ability to thrive and flourish in this beautiful world—a blue planet with vast waterways covering more than 70% of the globe, providing us with more than half of our oxygen, and sustaining the health of our planet. Global Coralition is seeking the right partnerships and individuals who wish to contribute their knowledge and creativity to make these shows both mind-blowing and heart-expanding. GC invites you to contribute your passion, talent, and patronage to the mission of Reef Revival, an art show dedicated to the preservation and celebration of all that is possible when we unite. Discover how you can join this exciting endeavor by contacting Layla Love at

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