Miami Living Magazine

Sydney Sweeney

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Miami Living sat down with Kathleen Ruiz to learn more: Miami Living: What inspired you to establish your own consulting agency? Kathleen Ruiz: I was driven by a desire for greater autonomy and flexibility in my career, coupled with the opportunity to extend my services to clients spanning various industries. My pivotal role in establishing a lucrative partnership program, which became a significant profit center, inspired me to break off on my own and help other companies do the same. Plus, with decades of experience in the industry, I had the distinct advantage of tapping into my extensive network to deliver unparalleled value to my clients. ML: With over 30 years of experience in luxury retail, what unique insights do you bring to the table when working with clients in various industries? KR: I bring a deep understanding of marketing and retail strategy, media relations, event management, and strategic partnership development, allowing us to offer clients unique perspectives and tailored solutions. ML: Your agency competes with much larger firms. What do you believe sets KRW Consulting apart and enables it to compete effectively in this space? KR: KRW Consulting thrives on agility, personalized service, and a deep commitment to client success. Our boutique approach allows for nimble decision-making and close client collaboration, distinguishing us in an overly crowded marketplace. What truly sets us apart is our dedication to treating our clients like family. It’s not out of the ordinary for our clients to reach out to me via WhatsApp at any time of day, and I’ve even had the privilege of attending client weddings. Our service extends far beyond what a big box agency can provide. ML: In 2023, you expanded into event production with the launch of KRW Productions. What motivated this expansion, and what opportunities do you see in this new venture? KR: Our expansion was driven by the increasing demand for comprehensive marketing experiences we witnessed post-pandemic. We saw an opportunity to provide end-to-end event solutions, leveraging our expertise and vast network to deliver unparalleled results for our clients. ML: What advice would you offer to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to break into the competitive field of marketing and consulting? KR: Focus on building strong relationships, honing your expertise, and staying true to your values. Embrace challenges as learning opportunities, don’t be afraid to fail, and never underestimate the power of perseverance and resilience. ML: Looking ahead, what are your goals for the future of KRW Consulting and KRW Productions, and how do you plan to continue innovating in the ever-evolving landscape of marketing and events? KR: Continued growth, expansion into new markets, and staying at the forefront of industry trends. We aim to remain agile and innovative, delivering exceptional results for our clients while maintaining our commitment to excellence and integrity. Stay updated with KRW at: By ML Staff. Images courtesy KRW Consulting

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