Miami Living Magazine

Sydney Sweeney

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running series like Fire Country differ from other projects you’ve been a part of? Stephanie Arcila: Well this is definitely the most physically challenging show I’ve ever been on, that would be the biggest difference. Miami Living: Miami is often celebrated for its vibrant and diverse community. How do you think your experiences growing up in Miami have shaped your career as an actress, particularly in navigating the entertainment industry? Stephanie Arcila: As a Miami native, I have developed a deep appreciation for different cultures, perspectives, and experiences. As an actress it’s helped me in bringing out authenticity in my roles. With Miami being such a melting pot, it has taught me the importance of inclusivity and representation in storytelling which is why I love playing Gabriela in Fire Country so much. There’s a resilience, adaptability, and work ethic I believe growing up in Miami gives you. Miami Living: Miami has a strong presence in the entertainment industry, from film to music to television. How does it feel to represent your hometown on a national stage through your role in Fire Country? Stephanie Arcila: It’s a beautiful honor. Being able to showcase that to a broader audience is so special to me. Miami Living: Looking ahead, what are you most excited about for the future of Fire Country, both in terms of your character’s journey and the overall direction of the series? Stephanie Arcila: I’m most excited about the potential for growth and development in both my characters journey as well the overall direction of Fire Country. I look forward to diving deeper into Gabriela’s complexities, getting to know new parts of her personality after what she’s experienced and just being able to witness her evolution through the course of the series. As well as being excited for what new characters will be introduced and what existing relationships will evolve. Follow Stephanie Arcila and keep with all of the latest at

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