Miami Living Magazine

Sydney Sweeney

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Q: Are you scared about putting it out into the world? No. Because I know everybody has their own opinions about things. I can’t force people to love something or not. The same thing about “Anything but you”. It was also my baby, I produced that and put the whole team together. Critics didn’t love it, but the audience did. The audience showed what they are looking for. Q: How important is it for you to dress a certain kind of style for public events? It’s fun to express yourself in different ways. I look at fashion as a way of finding different versions of yourself and bringing out different personalities, and I am having fun with it. It’s cool to try new things and wear things that you can imagine. It’s cool. Q: Did you want to show your Marilyn Monroe side at the Oscar party (which even CNN commented on)? It’s funny. I just cut my hair. I was not really trying to do anything, just cut my hair. It was a nice little trim. Q: Can you protect yourself from all these judgements and live a regular life? Yeah, I am a homebody. I just keep doing me. Q: Being a homebody implies doing what? Cooking at home, hanging out with my dog, having my friends and family over, reading. Q: What’s been the most interesting book in the last couple of months? I was filming a movie in Australia, it was about the Galapagos islands, so I started reading a bunch of Darwin, that was quite intensive. His book is 800 something pages, and I was ….that around everywhere. Because you learn a lot about life and theories. Q: Is there a question about life where you’d like to have the answer for? No. I am actually interested to know if people are seeing the same colors. That’s interesting. What I call blue, someone else might call blue, but it might be my purple. Q: Does this film deter you from having kids one day? No. I have always wanted kids. I love a big family. I am not afraid. Motherhood is the most powerful strength that you can have.

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