Miami Living Magazine

Sydney Sweeney

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“One of my big requests was by the end of this film I want to be drenched in blood.” In this insightful interview, Sidney Sweeney discusses her experiences on the set of “Immaculata,” her personal growth, and her views on life and career. She shares the excitement of working on her passion projects, the importance of surrounding herself with supportive people, and her approach to handling public scrutiny. Sweeney also opens up about her fears, her love for horror films, and her thoughts on motherhood. This conversation reveals the multifaceted personality of an actress who is both ambitious and grounded. Q: “Immaculata” must have been one of the fun shoots of your career. It was a lot of fun. One of my big requests was by the end of this film I want to be drenched in blood. However I get there, I want it to be fun and exciting and gory. I am very glad that I got to experience all of that. Q: Did you have to detox after the film? I was fully energized. I didn’t want it to end. It was so much fun! Q: To what extent could you connect with the spiritual themes of the film. The main thing that I related to was Cecilia’s journey for a purpose. That was the whole reason she was going to a convent, because she was looking for meaning in her life and her place amongst others, and as a woman in mid-20s, you are constantly searching for what I am supposed to be, who am I supposed to be with and what can I give to the world. That was my biggest relation to her. Q: When was the first time you figured out the meaning of life? I am 26 years old. I don’t know the meaning of life. Q: You found your vocation in acting… This is my passion and my love, but I don’t know if that’s my meaning. Q: Do you have any interest in religion? No.

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