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The Red Hot List

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You can watch Autumn in action on Beachbody on Demand —simply download the app. Beachbody has released a number of super-popular fitness programs: Tony Horton's P90X, Shaun T.'s Insanity, and all of Autumn's life-changing fitness endeavors, including 21- Day Fix, 80-Day Obsession, and Country Heat. "We write them, we develop them with Beachbody —Beachbody is almost like the production company, if you will," says Autumn, who has been with Beachbody for seven years. As the creator of eight highly-successful fitness programs, Autumn has helped millions of people lose weight and feel great about their bodies. Recently, Autumn remade her six-year-old program, 21- Day Fix. "Five months ago, we refilmed it in real time... for 21 days straight. We filmed all of the workouts, so each week, the workout now progresses just a little bit, so they still hold really true to the original program that was the monster success." The new 21-Day Fix Real Time features 30-minute workouts, plus a modifier. Autumn describes it as: "Simple fitness, simple nutrition, fast results." But don't let the word simple throw you off, you're going to have to work, and you will get your butt kicked. "Whether you've been working out forever or you've never worked out a day in your life, you can still follow it. You get to see me struggle through the workout —it doesn't look picture-perfect." Autumn's followers have also found great success with her nutrition program, Ultimate Portion Fix, which launched with the original 21-Day Fix six years ago. Using her color-coded, portion-control containers, Autumn showed people that portion control was essential to weight loss and could be simple. "Here's these containers, here's how many times I get to eat out of each one. Here's the food list so I know what goes in each container… As they were having success with it, we started getting asked for recipes. What happens if I want enchiladas? What are my containers?" Autumn and her brother, Chef Bobby Calabrese, came to the rescue with a cookbook: Autumn Calabrese Presents Fixate: 101 Personal Recipes to Use with the 21-Day Fix Portion-Control Program. "That cookbook sold 100,000 in the first week and sold 600,000 copies to-date," she says with a smile. A year after the cookbook was released, Autumn and Bobby launched their cooking show, Fixate, on Beachbody On Demand. "My brother is my co-host. He's a chef, so he creates all the recipes and they basically fit the guidelines of the program. The program has three principles: portion control, balance macronutrients, and significantly reducing or eliminating your highly-processed foods like, your white sugars, your white flour, things with a bunch of additives or preservatives... I don't really eliminate anything. I talk about the fact that, unless you have a food sensitivity or doctor's orders, you don't eliminate food groups. You can still have a cocktail. You can still have dessert," says Autumn. Her second cookbook, Fixate Volume 2, was released last year and turned into an educational nutrition program available on Beachbody On Demand. "There's 35 different videos. We take deep dives into everything from: What is portion control? And what balance macronutrients means. There's several different paths you can follow based on what your goals are." When Autumn started out (she has been a personal trainer for 16 years), she had about 1,000-ish followers on social media —basically, people who knew her as a Los Angeles trainer— but that all changed with the launch of 21-Day Fix. "When it launched, they sold on the first day what they predicted to sell in the first week. They sold in the first week, what they predicted to sell in the first 3 months, and they were backordered for two months after that! It's still basically their #1 selling program, even after six years." With each fitness-focused launch, Autumn's following grows exponentially. Today, she has 750,000+ followers on Instagram alone. Her popularity can also be attributed to the realness she puts out there. She rarely posts retouched photos and she actually likes that followers see that she too struggles through her workouts. She even admits when she's not in the mood to workout and talks about how she pushes herself to get it done. And Autumn is in charge of her social media platforms. "I like to keep my hand on the pulse of it. I like to know what's going on with my fans. I don't want somebody else speaking for me, that's important." When our food arrives, Autumn pulls out her phone to shoot a quick Instagram story. She wants to show her followers what she eats while she's traveling. Tonight, it's a sushi roll. She is also indulging in a Fixate cocktail made with vodka, soda water, a splash of elderflower with muddled cucumber and mint. "Super refreshing, almost like spa water with a buzz," she says as she takes a sip. What do you typically eat during the week? Do you adhere to your program? "Yep, my program is really designed to be a way of life. That's kinda how it came to be, even with Beachbody, because it's not really restrictive. So, being that it's portion control, not overeating, my macronutrients are balanced. It's 40% healthy carbs, 30% lean protein, and 30% healthy fats. I can do it in my head as a science now… a red container stands for your protein, a green is your vegetables, a purple is your fruits. As I go through the day, I'm tracking colors in my head. For breakfast, I know I had a red, yellow, a green, and a teaspoon… Breakfast, I had turkey sausage, sautéed kale, and little potatoes at the hotel. So, I know where I am at with how much food I have left for the day —that's basically what I do." Between bites, Autumn tells me that Miami is one of her favorite places to visit. "It's so funny. Whenever someone is like, Where is your favorite place to vacation? I say Miami and people always laugh at me — Of all the places?— 'cause I've been to the Maldives, the South of France, Monaco. I'm like, 'Yeah, Miami has everything, like beautiful beaches, great restaurants, nightlife, there's culture there.' It's not far for me; it's a 5-hour flight from

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